#currentsituation Is freedom a concept that stands by itself or is it bound to our minds' limitations?

As a definition, freedom, or free will is the putative ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints. 

Whether we may see it as a standalone concept or actually a quality one can obtain via some sacrifice, freedom will remain an Eldorado of most of us, thinkers. 

Most of us only consider how to attain this ideal, but I believe what really matters is: where do we go from here? 



  1. Anonymous3:36 AM

    I'm not a fatalist but I just wonder: If God should respect my "free-will" (1) how come this free-will of mine was not consulted whether I wanted to be born or not; when and where; to be a male or female; a Filipino or someone else (I was not consulted whether I wanted to be me)? (2)If God wants me to die, how come He does not respect whether my free-will wants me to die or go on living? and (3)On Judgment Day, why would I be not free but compelled to appear before His Judgment seat to give account for all that I was free to will?


  2. These are some pertinent questions, so let's put the answer through the filter of the 'free-will'.

    1. 'God' is a very versatile concept: besides religion it can appear in various expressions of the humanity. However, the debate whether God really exists as religions claim is still open. Yet, there's no irrefutable proof that God exists. That some of us are eager to prove it exists, that's another story.

    Now, can you be really sure you were not consulted before you ware born? Maybe you were, you just don't remember. We do not remember anything until we were 2 years old, so, can we be 100% sure of not being consulted?

    2. Dying can be anyone's choice, we're free to exercise it through suicide, on one hand. On the other hand, given the doubtful existence of God, can we be assured that's His will? Even if we acknowledge the existence of God, it appears awkward that God should design the path to each and every soul on Earth.

    3. Considering the above argument on God's existence, Judgment Day may come or not. What I think it's more important: giving account to ourselves, every day, for what we've done. It's a sign of maturity. If we act randomly, then expect to be punished or rewarded by some external superior power, it means that we've not passed the kindergarten stage.

    As a conclusion, it's all about we do now and the consequences we produce that we should be aware of, not fear some possibility to get away or be punished. Our actions are up to us, and we have the ability to be aware and wise, thus exercise our free will without fear, nor constraint.
